Thursday, January 26, 2017

Take the time for your marriage...

...because it's worth it.

Last weekend, my husband and I attended a marriage retreat.

We have been going to one annually for about 5 years now.

And you know what?

I am thankful for that.

VERY thankful.

Thankful that we BOTH take the time for "us".

Thankful that we BOTH feel this is a priority in our marriage.

But lets be honest here...

I am probably most thankful for alone time with my man.

We have FOUR kids!

Yes, FOUR!

Here is the posed, what I like to call "beautiful picture" of us that almost makes you think how did they get that photo so perfect???

But reality is actually a little more like this...

And I will be the first one to tell you as a mama, I am S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D.

The demands are ALL day, EVERY day.

While I love the littles of my tribe so very much...

Mama needs a break sometimes.

And WE (as a married couple) need a break sometimes.

But more than a break, we need to put the time & effort into our marriage.

It's the best thing we have going for us in this crazy world while raising four tiny ones.

For me, it's a great reminder that I WAS and STILL AM a wife first.

Doesn't feel that way most days.

And many times, you can't help the demands upon us as mamas.

Our kids need us and that is OK.


Our husbands need us too.

THAT, my friends, is something I have to remind myself more often.

Last year, my husband was sick the entire weekend so this year I came more prepared.

A little of these two magical oils in our daily water up to and including our time during the retreat.

To help keep any ickiness at bay. ;)

Oh, and of course these...

We were good-to-go this year! :)

So what do you do at one of these events you might ask?

They are all different of course, but the goal is to learn more about having a healthy marriage.

And have time alone with your teammate-for-life to work on how to put things into motion to allow a more healthy marriage.

What those "things" are can be a vast array of subjects; from finances, communication, goals, you name it.

For me, this weekend was good for my inner being.

To laugh and just be with my husband was medicine for my soul.

To have some good and deep conversations (without a gazillion distractions) was the cherry on top.

To pray together.

To "feel" like a wife again (as in, to only be a wife and not anything else).

This was us during a break at the a coffee shop enjoying a cappuccino just because we could...

Take the time for your marriage.

We need our significant others on this journey in life.

They are important.

We are important.

Do something that shows it.

You may say marriage retreats aren't your thing.

I hear ya, but can I encourage you to FIRST try it with an OPEN mind before knocking it?

You never know what the outcome might be.

Body, mind and soul...

Thanks for following as we continue to look into ways that enable us to have better overall wellness.


Friday, January 20, 2017

Three Little Words...can change an entire day's outlook.

Today is Friday.

The usual.

Get kids ready for school.

Rush out the door to be on time (hopefully).

I have kids in three different schools, did I mention that?

So mornings are just a tad crazy around here ya'll. ;)

Mama gets a little yoga workout on her two hour break.

Pick up the little boys from preschool.

They are happy as can be.

"Cop-Corn! Cop-Corn! on repeat out of their mouths.

That means "Pop Corn". ;)

They brought home pop corn and are anxious to eat it!

And so should they be!

We get home and pop corn it is!

While mommy cooks some eggs for lunch.

We are an egg-luvin' family!

The boys are busy chomping away and then I hear Francis say something to me.

I didn't quite understand him.

We are working hard on speech and he is working hard too.

I ask him "what did you say?" as I am expecting the typical...

"I want (you fill in the blank)."

Always wanting more food, more water, another napkin, you name it.

He looks at me and says, "I love you mommy."

And I stop.

I stare at him.

My head is processing this moment.

Because you see, no it is not the first time he has told me he loves me.

But, it doesn't usually start with him.

It's me and then he will usually return an 'I love you' back.

I walk over and ask him "Where did that come from?"

He looks at me.

Those beautiful, dark brown eyes.

And takes his hand and points to his chest and says...

"From my heart."

And I think I just melted in that moment.

My smile so big that I feel like my heart may burst.

Maybe it did burst a little.

Or maybe it just got filled up on some beautiful goodness from my son.

Adoption is hard.

Beautifully hard.

And slowly, we are making steps in the right direction.

Thank you Jesus for this sweet, sweet moment.

Because healing the mind, body and soul starts right here my friends.

I hope this puts a smile on your face because I'm still smiling.

I mean, just look at that face...


Sunday, January 15, 2017

"Everything Comes Alive"...juice fast almost complete.

My son, Graham, absolutely LOVES watching worship videos on the iPad.

This week, he has been playing THIS song almost on repeat.

Yes, repeat.


That's our Graham. :)

And we love it, and him.

"Everything Comes Alive" is sang by We Are Messengers.

I, obviously, have listened to this song quite a few times.

Especially this week, thanks to little Graham-man.

So I thought I would pull up the words to see just exactly what he was saying and found this verse telling:

In the evening when my bones are tired
You’re my strength and my heart’s desire
You’re the light when the sun expires
I remember how far I’ve come
I’m not lost with You I’m home

The past (almost) 10 days have made my bones tired, me tired.

When I wasn't sure if I would make it, I just kept focusing on TODAY.

I can look back and see how far I have come now.

But it takes strength and I don't have all that strength on my own.

Asking God daily for strength, for perseverance.

And guess what?

He has provided.

Thank you Graham for allowing me to see that (aka: hear that).

Everything truly does come alive when we allow ourselves to be open to it.

Making meals for my family three times a day, plus snacks was difficult!

Spending time with others eating, was difficult!

But somehow, I was able to make it through those challenges.

Don't be fooled people, this is very much a mental game too!

It gets crowded on the counter juicing THAT many veggies!!!

My favorite juice of the week: carrots and a lime.

Someone asked this week why the juice is so difficult to do since we are actually juicing/drinking food (aka: vegetables/fruits).

I will tell you why...


The juicer is just that.

A juicer.

So it breaks everything down and discards anything OTHER than pure juice.

While it still contains lots of goodness to it, it is only juice.

And, that my friends, can be a hard pill to swallow day after day.

I won't lie.

I love food.

I love to eat!

So NOT eating AT ALL for 10 days is NOT easy for me!

So, there you have it...

Yes, it has been hard.

The first few days, it was the detox symptoms:


Body aches.

Light headedness.

Feeling on the verge of getting a cold, but you know it's just the detox.

Then that subsides.

And, honestly, I have had some really good moments.

Like, my energy levels have remained OK the entire time for the most part.

I thought I would be very weak and I really haven't.

But the hunger pangs, they have been there daily.

Juice just isn't completely satisfying.

But I didn't do this cleanse to be completely satisfied.

Texting back and forth with a friend this week...

I came to realize that this cleanse/fast is an emptying out rather than filling up.

So that I can be built back up after, both physically, mentally and spiritually.

And that is where I am at right now.

Continuing to pray and seek guidance in this life (aka: wellness journey).

Something I will continue to daily beyond this juice fast.

Because life and wellness is a journey.

This cleanse was a restart for my mind, body and soul for various reasons.

I know it has provided healing in all of those areas.

And it can for you too should you take this endeavor. ;)

Isn't it pretty amazing what we are able to push our bodies and minds to do?

All because of a brilliant creator.

So whatever your challenge is in front of you right now.

YOU too can persevere.

Keep putting one foot in front of the other and focus on TODAY.

And pray.


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

I started a JUICE FAST! Say what???

I did.

It's true.

Actually, my husband and I both did.

Why would we do such a thing?

Because we are a little crazy.

No, that's not the reason, although it might still be true. ;)

For cleansing, honestly.

Mind, body and spirit.

Remember how I mentioned in my last blog about balance?

Well, THIS is part of that.

We maintain our vehicles, we have to or they will most definitely break down.

Like regular oil changes and tune ups, right?

Why don't we maintain that for our lives too?

Like regular oil changes (aka: cleanses) and tune ups (aka: restarts)?

That is exactly what I am working on with this juice cleanse.

I have done cleanses before as I believe they are vital for good health.

But, this is the first time for an ALL JUICE CLEANSE.

I have been reading a lot about cleansing our bodies, eating good (aka: real) foods and the more I read, the more I was pointed in the direction of juicing / fasting.

And want to know a little truth?

I recently watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and it was jaw dropping to say the least.

How one man who was all the above (fat, sick and nearly dead) changed his entire life through a juice cleanse/fast.

If you haven't watched it, I would encourage you to do so! Netflix has it! ;)

Through research, I stumbled across The Juice Lady and of course had to buy her book.

Reading "Juicing, Fasting and Detoxing For Life" after also reading "The Maker's Diet", led me to where I am now.


Those that know me, know we got a nifty Vitamix blender years ago.

We have gone in phases of blending over the past 6+ years.

And it IS so good for you too!

THIS, my friends, is a WHOLE NEW LEVEL.

We purchased a Breville juicer as a Vitamix doesn't juice (it blends the crap out of things though). :)

And so here we are on Day Four.

Day 4 of what is suppose to be a 10 day cleanse.

I won't lie, it is not easy.

I am enjoying some herbal teas along with the cleanse (and they too are SO good for us too!).

We are purposefully only juicing vegetables and low sugar fruits (much better for detox).

There are headaches and other pains that come from detoxing.

We tried ridding ourselves of sugar and a gradual decline of coffee to help alleviate some of those pains.

But, the pains still come...

I have been using quite a few Young Living oils to help with those aches and pains.

And let me tell, I am VERY thankful for them.

Topical blends for my head and other body pains.

In addition to many detoxifying baths.

To give you a little of the reasoning as to why a juice fast IS good for you:

Per Cherie Calbom in her above mentioned book,

"Juices are loaded with antioxidants and are also very alkalizing." (pg. 71)

"This is a safe and effective way to cleanse your body's internal organs, tissues and cells." (pg, 71)

"Fasting is energizing because you are resting your body from the work of digestion. Normally, about 30% of our overall energy expenditure is devoted to digestion. This energy can be used for healing, repair and restoration of your body." (pg. 72)

"Calorie restriction helps improve health and slows down the aging process. Smaller portions support digestive health." (pg. 140)


The above shows you how good this can be for our BODIES!

Our MINDS are most definitely challenged during a clease/fast/detox.

You must push yourself to levels that you didn't know you were capable of before.

And the amazing thing is YOU DO!

And then there is SPIRITUAL.

The Bible is filled with verses on fasting.

It's a spiritual discipline.

Indeed it IS.

There are many different types of fasting, this just happens to be the one I am doing now.

For me, this is a time to dig deep into my soul, push my limits and be a happier/healthier me on the 'other' side.

I am taking this time to pray over certain things in my life, in my family's life...for guidance, for direction, for clarity.

I invite you to take a good look at your Mind, Body and Spirit today.

Is it where you would like to be?

If not, make a step to DO something to change that.


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Why would YOU want to join ME on this journey???

Honestly? I can't answer that for you.

For me, I have been feeling a tug in my heart for quite some time now.

That tug, is like a whisper.

You know "THAT" whisper, right?

THAT whisper that doesn't go away?

That sneaks into your dreams at night just to remind you.

It is subtle, yet constant.

And while life, yes life, just always seems to get in the way.

I couldn't ignore it.

The whisper started by telling me to write again.

Many are probably asking, again?

That is because I have always enjoyed writing, journaling, even writing poetry.

And that word again...


Just got in the way.

You get busy with whatever is right in front of you.

And that, my friends, may be nothing really at all.

But it quickly takes up more and more of your time.

It distracts you.

And leaves you in a state of stagnation.

That is where I have been for a little while now.

And guess what?

I am turning it around.


There are a several reasons behind that "why".

1. Recently my husband told me I missed my calling. "Really, I ask? What is that?" To which he replies "To be a Naturopathic Doc."

And it got me thinking...about things I am passionate.

Naturopathy is an area I am VERY passionate about.

I love reading and watching and learning MORE & MORE about ways that are good and pure and holistic for our bodies, minds and spirit.

Which leads me to my LOVE for OILS!

Yes, OILS!

They are amazing and medicinal and SO. MUCH. MORE.

I feel I have been blessed with an opportunity to share this WEALTH of knowledge with ALL OF YOU.

AND share other parts of life that provide the "whole" in "holistic" living.

Providing balance in all aspects of one's life.

2. My life has been a whirlwind with my husband making a big switch at work, moving out of our friend's home, building a home, switching schools for our 2 homemade kiddos (and yet another school switch with our son with special needs) and bringing home our two sons from Ghana, Africa.

And that was all in the last year!

Balance is not at its best within me or our home and I am longing for more of just that.

3. A recent diagnoses of hypothyroidism makes you start to dig deep, contemplate many things including current lifestyle.

That lifestyle encompasses wellness, my well being.

4. And last, but certainly not least...Because I CAN!

Because I was made by an amazing creator that allows ME to take hold of my thoughts and DO something that will BETTER ME!

This is "Georgia's Journey to Wellness" and I invite you to come and follow along as I post different things to BETTER our lives, my life.

It will be JUST GOOD INFO, so take from it what you will.

Everyone's life is different.

I think me and you (yeah, you) might have way more in common than we thought.

Let's journey together.

I know it will be GOOD.

Just give it a try...
