Friday, January 20, 2017

Three Little Words...can change an entire day's outlook.

Today is Friday.

The usual.

Get kids ready for school.

Rush out the door to be on time (hopefully).

I have kids in three different schools, did I mention that?

So mornings are just a tad crazy around here ya'll. ;)

Mama gets a little yoga workout on her two hour break.

Pick up the little boys from preschool.

They are happy as can be.

"Cop-Corn! Cop-Corn! on repeat out of their mouths.

That means "Pop Corn". ;)

They brought home pop corn and are anxious to eat it!

And so should they be!

We get home and pop corn it is!

While mommy cooks some eggs for lunch.

We are an egg-luvin' family!

The boys are busy chomping away and then I hear Francis say something to me.

I didn't quite understand him.

We are working hard on speech and he is working hard too.

I ask him "what did you say?" as I am expecting the typical...

"I want (you fill in the blank)."

Always wanting more food, more water, another napkin, you name it.

He looks at me and says, "I love you mommy."

And I stop.

I stare at him.

My head is processing this moment.

Because you see, no it is not the first time he has told me he loves me.

But, it doesn't usually start with him.

It's me and then he will usually return an 'I love you' back.

I walk over and ask him "Where did that come from?"

He looks at me.

Those beautiful, dark brown eyes.

And takes his hand and points to his chest and says...

"From my heart."

And I think I just melted in that moment.

My smile so big that I feel like my heart may burst.

Maybe it did burst a little.

Or maybe it just got filled up on some beautiful goodness from my son.

Adoption is hard.

Beautifully hard.

And slowly, we are making steps in the right direction.

Thank you Jesus for this sweet, sweet moment.

Because healing the mind, body and soul starts right here my friends.

I hope this puts a smile on your face because I'm still smiling.

I mean, just look at that face...


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